The Kvamme Center aims to help young people as well as adults who the medical community views as having “special needs.” These needs may be the result of issues occurring as early as birth or they may come from an injury or accident suffered in the course of life – sometimes in service to our country.

Activities we offer: Grooming & tacking, ground work, therapeutic riding.

Disabilities served: ADD or other Hyperactivity Disorder, Amputee, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delay or Disability, Down Syndrome, Genetic Conditions/Disorders, Head Trauma/Brain Injury, Hearing Impairment, Learning Disability, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Orthopedic, Speech Impairment, Spina Bifida, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Terminal Illness and Visual Impairment.

Our goal is to provide a caring program designed with individual needs in mind to effect positive change. We have seen the therapeutic results of working with horses and believe that our therapeutic riding program can help persons with these special needs meet personal goals – be it living more comfortably in the body they have, or improving their mobility or communication capabilities.

The founders were not raised with horses but found, later in life, that these amazing animals can add countless joys as you get to know their caring nature. Our horses will help you achieve your goals for better health and well being.  The owners and founders of The Kvamme Center are followers of Jesus Christ.

Please read about our therapeutic riding programs and make an appointment to visit us and see if we can be of service to you or others you know who need a recuperative touch.

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Jean Kvamme Center for Adaptive Riding is committed to the rights and interests of all staff, volunteers and clients. In that regard, The Kvamme Center believes that individuals should be hired, employed, promoted, and if necessary, terminated based solely on their competence and qualifications to perform their designated duties, and not on the basis of their gender, race, color, national origin, religious beliefs, age, marital status, family structure, disability, sexual orientation, or any basis prohibited by law.

Lesson Payment

Payment is due at the time of the lesson.  If you are unable to pay, let the Program Director know the circumstances, and when payment will be made.  We accept cash, checks or electronic payment via PayPal through our website.  Many clients “bank” a few lesson payments for their convenience, however this is not required.

Lesson Cancellation

We require 48 hour notice if you need to cancel a scheduled lesson.  The Kvamme Center is a volunteer driven organization, therefore we want to respect the time that each volunteer has dedicated to supporting our riders.  Should 48 hour notice not be provided, the lesson payment will be forfeited.  We understand that occasionally, circumstances beyond your control may arise.  Should this be the case, please speak with the Program Director about your situation.  Same day or last-minute cancellations send a ripple effect through our staff, volunteers and schedule, and your cooperation is appreciated. 

Helmet Policy

All riders must wear a helmet certified by the American Society for Testing and Materials – Safety Equipment Institute (ASTM-SEI) during mounted activities.  Helmets will be provided, if necessary.