Jean Kvamme
Joni Eareckson Tada Visits LOARC
Joni Eareckson Tada, global advocate for people with special needs, author, radio host, and founder of Joni & Friends visited LOARC in June, 2019. It was an honor to show her around our facility, and her support of our mission is very much appreciated!

Jean Kvamme Named PATH Region 11 Volunteer of the Year!
We are proud to announce LOARC’s Founder/Executive Director, Jean Kvamme, has been named PATH Region 11 Volunteer of the Year. Jean’s vision to create a place for healing and joy through equine assisted therapy has touched the lives of many in need. Her continued, tireless efforts to support and grow the center are appreciated throughout the community.
Thank you, Jean!
On a beautiful day Pat visited LOARC and watched a lesson of one of our amazing young clients that has TBI (traumatic brain injury) and cerebral palsy. Pip is the therapy horse he rides each week when at LOARC. Pat was so moved seeing this young client helped so much by Pip that he donated $600 per month for a year to cover all of Pip’s care in memory of his grandson, Arthur, who had TBI and died at age 3. Pat wanted to do this wonderful gesture with loving memories of his grandson that were brought to mind while watching Pip and this young boy. Pip and all of us at LOARC THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.
LOARC young client with TBI/CP now has an ANGEL DONOR sponsoring him!!
Due to no fault of his own, a 9yr. old boy with TBI and cerebral palsy needed a home. That was when his grandmother changed her life completely and took her grandson into her home taking full custody and care of him. Funds are extremely tight and being able to come to LOARC regularly was not an option even though he was being helped immensely by LOARC’s program the few times at LOARC. Jim Smaha watched one of his lessons and talked to his grandmother. He was so taken by this young man and his grandmother relating to him how much the therapy riding has helped her grandson, that he is sponsoring him for as long as he wants to come to LOARC!! The grandmother and all of us at LOARC are thrilled…THANK YOU.
LOARC Featured on My Scotts Valley Facebook Group
Lichen Oaks Adaptive Riding Center was recently featured on the My Scotts Valley Facebook group. The post and video are below. Many thanks to Robert Aldana!
“If you know someone with special needs or a handicap, a wounded warrior, or just know someone who could use some therapy or is going through a difficult time in their lives, riding a gentle horse could be one of the most therapeutic things you can do.
Here in Felton, there is a place called Lichen Oaks Adaptive Riding Center that was founded and is run by Jean and Floyd Kvamme that is about as good as it gets. The facilities are unbelievable, but the therapy that these beautiful gentle giants provide is priceless. They are a non-profit organization and would love to hear from you.
Check them out at
*They also have an after school horse club, a fun and educational program for 4th-8th graders on Tuesdays from 4-5:30pm beginning August 30th!”
Santa Cruz Sentinel Features Lichen Oaks Adaptive Riding Center
A wonderful article about Lichen Oaks Adaptive Riding Center in the Santa Cruz Sentinel!
A Special Place Nearby: Where A Horse Is Your Therapist
The new Lichen Oaks Adaptive Riding Center in Felton offers many benefits for those with special needs. You can get involved …
Lichen Oaks Adaptive Riding Center is Now Open!
We are very excited to announce the opening of the Center! Riding sessions can now be scheduled.
The creation of the Center has been a dream come true for me, and a labor of love. I would like to especially thank my husband Floyd for his incredible support and involvement throughout the project. Much thanks also goes to Paul Kvamme, my 14yr. old grandson, who donated many hours with our initial computer set up, logo, business cards, instruction and support. Last, and certainly not least, the Center wouldn’t exist without our wonderful and gentle therapy horses. We are delighted to be able to share these beautiful animals with the community.
We invite you to help spread the word about the Center. Please feel free to make an appointment to come by and tour the Center and meet our talented staff.